2016 VdGM|AGAMFeC -semFYC Conference Exchange in A Coruña (Spain)

Dear colleagues,

The Galician organizing committee AGAMFEC is delighted to announce the annual VdGM|Semfyc Conference Exchange, to be held from the 6th to 11th of June 2016.

The exchange is linked to the XXXVI National Conference of Family and Community Medicine, which will take place on June 9 to 11 in A Coruña, Spain.  The Conference will be held in PALEXCO, Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos A Coruña, Muelle de Transatlánticos s/n. 15003 A Coruña, Spain. 

There are 5 places available.

We invite participants to be in A Coruña on Sunday, June 5, 2016. The program shall last until Saturday June 11 and it’s recommendable that you plan your return trip for Sunday, June 12.

Within the framework of the exchange program, GP trainees and First-5s (GPs in their first 5 years) will have the opportunity to attend a Spanish GP practice for three days and discover the Spanish health system from within.

Beyond the visits to primary health care centers, participants will be offered the opportunity to take part in multiple and diverse cultural activities, visit museums and places of entertainment preferred by the Spaniards, and taste the exciting flavours that local gastronomy has to offer.

This year we are pleased to offer our visitors the opportunity to participate in the “XXXVI National Conference of Family and Community Medicine” by submitting their case reports, experiences and research projects for oral or poster presentations.

Exchange participants will also be asked to participate in one international session, where they will make a 7-10 minutes presentation on the novel and original topic of ” What you must know and do to practice in my country”.

Prizes will be awarded to the best oral communication and best case report and an official certificate of participation in the Congress of the Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine “semFYC” will be issued to all participants.

According to the VdGM regulation, the official language of the exchange will be English. Though the semFYC National Conference will be mostly in Spanish, the exchange participants’ poster and oral presentations will be in English and the same is true for international sessions and classes for VdGM delegates.

Participants will spend three mornings in the health centres and most of their stay shall be in the city center. Each will have to pay their accommodation and transport, but we will help participants choose budget hotels or great Airbnb places in the historic center of A Coruña.

The Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine has provided scholarships for all our participants to attend the conference, so the Conference registration will be for free.

If you are interested in joining us, please send your application (CV + motivation letter) BEFORE THE 1ST OF JUNE 2016 to your National Exchange Coordinator.

We look forward to meeting you in Spain for our Conference Exchange and truly hope it will be enriching and exciting for all of us.

For more information do not hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards,

Natalia Pérez
VdGM Regional Exchange Coordinator for Northern Spain

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