If you are GP trainee or Young GP don’t miss this opportunity to know us.

11/17/2015: 14:00. Welcome.
Location: Lecture room Primary Care Training Unit.
Responsible: Ana Clavería Fontan.

17:00-19:00. Board Game (Trivial) pharmacotherapy, by international teams.
Location: Lecture room.
Chair: Susana Aldecoa Landesa and Carlos Eirea Eiras.

11/18/2015: 08:00-14:00. Visit to a health center, interviews with family physicians, nurses, pediatricians and pediatric nurses.

14: 00-15: 00. Clinical session in the health center. The visiting doctor will present primary care in his/her country.

17:00-19:00. Visit to a PAC and 061 (urgent and emergency services in PC).
Location to be decided.
Chair: Ana Clavería Fontan, with the collaboration of accompanying residents and family physicians.

11/19/2015: 08:00-14:00. Visit to a health center, with interviews to midwife, physiotherapist, social worker, Oral Health Unit.

17:00-19:00. Visit to the hospital emergency department.
Location to be decided.
Chair: Ana Clavería Fontan, with the collaboration of accompanying residents and family physicians.

11/20/2015: AGAMFEC Congress

11/21/2015: AGAMFEC Congress

11/22/2015: Hiking: Boat trip to Cangas and coastal route between Cangas and Liméns.
Place and time to be decided.
Chair: Susana Aldecoa Landesa.

Farewell commitment to meet again.

More information:

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